1. Trust vs. Mistrust (birth to age 1 and a half): basic sense of safety (adequate resolution) vs. insecurity, anxiety (inadequate resolution).

2. Autonomy vs. Self Doubt (age 1 and a half to 3): perception of self as agent capable of controlling own body and making things happen (adequate resolution) vs. feelings of inadequacy to control events (inadequate resolution).

3. Initiative vs. Guilt (age 3 to 6): confidence in oneself as initiator, creator (adequate resolution) vs. feelings of lack of self worth (inadequate resolution).

4. Competence vs. Inferiority (age 6 to puberty): adequacy in basic and social intellectual skills (adequate resolution) vs. lack of self confidence, feelings of failure (inadequate resolution).

5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (adolescence): comfortable sense of self as a person (adequate resolution) vs. sense of self as fragmented; shifting, unclear sense of self (inadequate resolution).

6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (early adulthood): capacity for closeness and commitment to another (adequate resolution) vs. feeling of aloneness, separation; denial of need for closeness (inadequate resolution).

7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (middle adulthood): focus on concern beyond oneself to family, society, future generations (adequate resolution) vs. self indulgent concerns; lack of future orientation (inadequate resolution).

8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (late adulthood): sense of wholeness, basic satisfaction with life (adequate resolution) vs. feelings of futility, disappointment (inadequate resolution).